Carina Ekström
> suomeksi
”I’ve always been interested in nutritional issues. Nutrition keeps us going, works as building block and a messenger for our body.”
When it comes to demanding pure, nutrition dense food one couldn’t think more of a convincing expert and spokesperson than Carina. Master studies in technical biochemistry and food technology work as an ideal background, while marketing-, consumer behavior- and nutrition studies put the final touches.
Carina has work experience in consulting sales and as a product manager within the food industry. In consequence she has been deepening her knowledge in nutrition and building an impressive network of experts, including food- and supplement manufacturers and international ingredient suppliers.
”My main interest concerns the gut health. The gut is where our wellness, or un-wellness, lay. Healthy eating, nutrition dense food and taking care of your gut health are the first steps towards overall healthy living.”
The founder of e&code is also known for organising inspiring nutrition lectures.
“Each meal is a chance to heal.”
– Mark Hyman